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Hi guys
first post.

I have a couple of Eric Johnson Strats, and on removing the neck from the Dakota Red one, it did seem to sit extremely tight, requiring me to give it a slight knock to get out.
All seemed ok when i replaced it, but now, 24 hours later, it looks as if a cm x 2mm or so of paint has chipped right up where the neck joins the body in front of the pick guard.
These guitars have nitrocellulose paint jobs, and i was wondering how the heck to repair that?
Who stock these paints, and who can work on them.
I am from Somerset West in the Western Cape.

Thanks for reading this.

    Although to be quite honest a guitar without paint chips and scratches make me nervous!
      If it was natural wear, i would be ok with it, but i caused it myself.
      I just hope that Foster's Guitarworks can fix it, as i went through a number of automotive paint places, and they don't even know what Nitrocellulose is anymore.
        Thats the actual proplem, to actually find Nitrocellulose here!

        BTW those kind of mistakes are natural wear?
          lapdawg on the forum does nitro finishes on his guitars.
            Thanks for all the replies and advice.
            I have spoken to Foster, and he will see what he can do early in September, which is the first gap he has.

            Studmissile is right.
            This is a natural occurrence with a guitar that get played.
            I can leave it in the case for fear of denting it, but then i never get to enjoy it either.

            I'd rather play it, and accept the chips, aka natural wear!
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