The great thing about hide glue is that is is reversible. It is really powerful and once you have learned to use it, you may find yourself really liking it. You can also clean it up with damp cloth.Eujean wrote: I found a bottle of the red Alcolin professional stuff, but a friend of mine says he can get me hide glue, a bit more expensive, but does it make a substantial difference? Both being of a brittle consistency as you said? Also, any suggestions on the Mother Of Pearl? Seems nobody (not even the Chinese) want to sell to a South African![]()
On the downside you must mix it with the right amount of water, you need a thermostat managed heater. It should not be heated above 60deg. I have made one with an old kettle as water bath & used a roasting thermometer. Is also sets very quickly as it cools - you need to have your wood in place and clamped in 30-40secs. Add a bit of salt to fractionally extend the gel time.
If you're planning to build more than 1 guitar, it might be a good idea to start using it.
Also, I have had logos made in the US out of mother of pearl. It got held up by US Fish & Wildlife & cost a whole lot more to have it released. I have found someone in Thailand who who will do my next set of MoP logos for me.
You can but plenty of pieces of MoP on eBay, no problem. I found cutting it to be near impossible. Do not buy from the US, you may have F&W issues. The best sellers seems to be in Israel.