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V8 wrote: Who doesn't love free stuff? Well I do, and Dr Phil is a fan too ?

The 'best' VST's of 2014 and emissary guitar emulation is only no2... ???

I want to record stuff... but the wheels have come off... literally... Peeps stole the wheels off of my car INSIDE MY GARAGE. So it's been cops and insurance for like a week now.

Have bookmarked this for later use! THANKS!
    TDR Kotelnikov is pretty badass
      I think the blog gets a lot of advertising revenue from audio assault, which may be why grind machine free is ranked top... Having said that I haven't tried the plug so I may eat my words. I do find it hard to believe that it would beat Emmissary, haven't found anything paid or free in the high gain section that's better.

      There's been a good few interesting freeware releases this year, plus lots of sample libraries.
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