Vikster wrote:
I will take my guitar to the teacher who teaches my son and ask him to check.
+1, get a second opinion. Not all techs are equal. There trustworthy GFSA'ers who do tech work, if you do not come right, ask around here for one in your area. I'd offer, but I'm in Ct and not the greatest tech :-[
Vikster wrote:
It is a clip-on and the Piezo setting is where it measures the vibration pitch. On the picture you will see it is set at 443Mhz. Mine is currently set on 440Mhz. In the link that V8 posted it mentions that it is tailored to the guitar, so I guess I will need different settings for every guitar. Makes sense as not all guitars are the same.
Ahh, I
think I understand your original question shouldn't need a different setting - "Concert pitch" A440hz ( is a standard tuning pitch so I'd say your tuner is in tune. I use the same clip-on for electric guitar, bass, ukelele, acoustic guitar, violin...
There are a few variables that may cause tuning issues : flat batteries in the tuner, old strings, strings slipping on the tuning pegs, strings binding on the nut/bridge saddles, you might be pressing quite hard down on the 12th fret causing the pitch to be a touch sharp (and a few other that escape me now). It's pretty uncommon, but a packet of new strings can have a dud/dead string or two, I've had this happen a few times (mostly when using no-name brand strings). Or the intonation may be out.
There is a trick or two when tuning and setting up a guitar. Ideally it should be tuned in playing position and not laid flat on a table.
As I mentioned my clip-on isn't as accurate as I'd hoped. It can be 5 cents out compared to other tuners. But for daily use, I can live with it. (P.s. Not all ears are equal either - what sounded in tune to me, causes others to wince and claim I'm tone-deaf). When I record, I use a app based tuner.