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Korg have been developing a new type of tube that looks like it may have relevance for guitar amps. Its a small, low energy, long life triode that is supposed to retain all the features of tradditional valve.
It may make valve amps cheaper by reducing size of power supplies etc.
Its called the Nutube 6P1.

Here's the link:


There are a few other articles doing the rounds, such as:


IMO, could be back-o-the-net.
    guitarists are a fickle bunch ...if it don't look like a traditional tube and glow like one and get hot like one.... most probably even if it is technically similar they will find that the 'vintage" tubes are way better than nu tubes ?
      But does it glow? ?
        Stoked if its cheaper, more reliable and sounds better im in.
        It doesn't sound or look like it can be retrofitted, which is a bit sad.
          I think the point is that if you can get a valve amp for a similar price to a solid state amp, then it makes valve sound much more accessible. Affordability is a big thing in SA.
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