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Body has been sanded, oiled, and the pot, pickup and jack holes drilled- hanging up for the night- neck, neck plate and bridge to be done in the morning- with a bit of luck I might be able to play it tomorrow!

That looks awesome! Love the fretless fingerboard into the raw wood.

    That is shweet..
    Well done.. hope it brings you years of joy

      a month later
      10 days later

      thanks! I'm trying to sort out an electronics problem (lots of hissing, popping and dropouts) that makes it pretty unpleasant to play plugged in at the moment- looking forward to being able to record it.

        16 days later

        So I heard from my local guitar tech today that he has re-wired the bass and solved the earthing problem, so I’ll be picking it up from him tomorrow morning, audio clips to follow this weekend ?

        Pretty good, thanks- it has great sustain, I think partly because the neck is quite thick, and partly because the neck joint is a tight fit.

        It's pretty comfortable to play but I noticed that I was working quite hard to 'fret' the strings- it could probably do with having the action lowered now that it's working. I brought it to rehearsal on Sunday afternoon and ended up playing it in the service, so it has been a fairly natural transition - I think keeping the same body shape and scale length as my fretted bass might have helped

        peterleroux please excuse the intonation:

        No need to, you're fairly good already! Lots of fretless goodness in them slides ? Some big low end too, very nice!

        peterleroux nice to hear it! It almost sound like the sound has been reversed (beginning of recording) or a reverse sound effect has been applied. Is that just the sliding? Very interesting sound indeed.....

        RodneyVikens Hi, thanks! One of the things about fretless is that the note attack isn't as sudden as a fretted instrument- the notes 'bloom' rather than 'jumping' in, so they sound a little bit like they are reversed or have some kind of effect on them.

          4 months later

          I ordered a set of walnut knobs on eBay, which arrived this morning-five weeks from China with a tracking number. I think they fit in pretty well with the oiled timber body

          Noice! I played a Warwick Streamer Fretless over the weekend - was far more fun than I expected - though I had to slide into everything - which wasn't easy technique to change into.

          I'd really have to have a set of tunes to practice to get the most out of it. Do you have any tunes in mind?