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► All members of the forum are welcome to enter.
► Expensive recording equipment is not necessary, although you will need some basic means of recording yourself.
► There are three skill categories. Entrants must state which category they are entering into, namely: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.
Beginner: If you are still new to guitar, possibly playing less than 3 or 4 years. Know little to no theory and
possibly dont own much equipment.
Intermediate: You have been playing for some time. You know your way around your axe. You have played, or
currently play in bands. You know a bit about recording.
Advanced: If you are in this category, you will know it. You know your instrument very well, you also know how to
record well. You could possibly be a session guitarist. You own a good amount of gear.
*These are rough guidelines to give you an idea for which category to enter. Use your own discretion.
► Stick as close to the topic details as possible – there is room for flexibility, but it defeats the purpose of setting challenges if you are going to submit something random.
► Submissions must be original compositions – for copyright reasons obviously.

► Submissions may not exceed two minutes, unless permission is given.
► No more than five instruments at a time may be recorded – vocals do not count towards this limitation.
► Completed submissions must be compressed/converted to mp3 (preferably 192kbps but not less than 128kbps). Uncompressed formats will not be accepted.

► Once completed, send an email to Adrian Rogowski at adrian.guitarforum@gmail.com with the following information:
1. Your attached song/submission
2. Your username on the forum
3. What category you are entering into
4. Optional: A little blurb/text about your submission and/or your gear used,
recording techniques etc.
5. Optional: A link to your song (preferably Soundcloud)

► Voting usually takes place the last week of the month, so ensure your submissions are in before that time to be entered. The deadlines will be indicated for each challenge.
► There is a double blind voting system in place – You do not know which member you are voting for, and you will only see results at the end of the voting phase.
► Voting lasts about a week.
► One vote each per entry, per category.
► The entry with the most votes wins
► Prizes may be awarded depending if we get sponsorship for a given challenge.
► If there is a tie, then the prize, where possible, will be shared.
► Runner-ups for each category get to submit a possible challenge for the next month.
► Winners of the Paul Bothner Sponsored Challenges must please email Adrian the following information:
1. Full Name:
2. Email address
3. ID Number:
4. Which branch you will collect the prize at:
► The winning entries will be uploaded on the GFSA Soundcloud page, and a link to the song will be posted on the Hall of Fame thread. If you prefer that your song is not uploaded, then please let Adrian know so he can remove it.
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