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Looking for clear amber and brown amber aerosol paint for a DIY sunburst project on a stratocaster type body. Anybody know where i can find these colors within S.A?

Most hardware stores sell basic primary colors and due to the spray paints flammable
nature its impossible to import from overseas.

It would be preferable to get hold of paint by manufacturers created specifically for guitar finishes but at this point I would settle for anything close to the desired result /finish/colors.

Any help or information would be greatly appreciated.

    So let me summarise, you want paint:
    • that is for guitar finishing
    • that comes in a can
    • that is translucent amber and brown
    • that is manufactured and available locally
    right? ?
    Okay so this does not exist. Which of the above requirements would you like to drop in order to find stuff?

    But seriously, for a sunburst strat I made, I searched long and hard and wound up using StewMac dyes in their water soluble clear lacquer, shot with a gun. Locally you can get all sorts of paint and dyes, even good stuff, but bursts from aerosol cans are rare even in the US.
      The main reason for wanting aerosol cans is because the budget I set for the project unfortunately does not include spray gun. although it does seem like the only viable option at this point.

      was hoping for something similar to this
        Just Saying ...I know this is not quite what you've asked

        But Spray Mate have a range of wood finishes ala Woodmate . I've only recently become aware of their wood range and looks good for home finishes.

        You may be able to use different colors to make up a burst of some description .

        Just google their website to see the options


        Photos courtesy of Neil Pincus:

        Needs a cut and buff:

          What I did to an old SX body lying around, is use an Oregon stain on it, and then Sprayed the sides of the guitar by making a cut out of guitar and positioning it a inch or so above the guitar and used matt black. Then covered it with a couple of coats of the stuff Atilla mentioned. Put enough coats, and when you are done, sand down with waterpaper (2000 grit) polish with a polishing cream and then automotive polish. It came out very nice, sorry I don't have pics though... :-[
            I'm in the process of doing a sunburst finish on a Tele body I made using the "Behlen "spray cans which we can get here in Australia. http://www.guitaraust.com.au/finishing/aerosols.html
            Unfortunately they can't ship out of Australia.
            If you can get some I reckon you would be happy with the result. Mine seems to be coming along OK.
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