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Hi all

A few tracks I have recorded at home so far, not the best, I know, but had fun doing it!


The Rabbit Hole


Feel free to leave any comments & thank you for your time listening.

    Strong vocals, and enjoyable tracks. Hearing influences such as Smashing Pumpkins, various grunge, Staind, Watershed? etc...

    The acoustic guitar on Closure is a little dull and lifeless, needs some mixing intervention to give it some sparkle and lustre.

    Overall I like it, but these tracks need some more excitement, the vocals are having to carry the whole mix.

    I wouldn't mind having a crack at mixing this if you send me the stems.
      Reminds me of the guy from prime circle
        15 days later
        Dunno much about recording and production, but imo songs are great and vocal is a winner.
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