Hey There!
It's introduction time I guess. So here goes.
I'm Josh,I'm seventeen and I live around Durban. I've been attempting to play guitar for about about ten years, I play mostly Blues, Rock and I play in my church band occasionally. I've collected some gear over the years from generous parents and long waits in between buying anything, whilst looking for some unwitting gumtree sellers who don't understand the value of grandpa's guitar :?
I've recently got into fiddling with my guitars, I've just rewired my SX Telecaster with a StewMac Rewire Kit, burnt myself with a crappy soldering iron but learnt a lot from the process. Looking a Re-painting the same telecaster as a holiday project. In any case, this is who I am, glad I could break the ice! ?
Here Follows a few gear pics!
(Don't know how to use img tags, ??? if anyone would help that would be great! So instead, I uploaded to Imgur).
Also I just read up on a South African based DIY guitar Kits! Called Boschtec Music, anyone have any experience with them? :-[They Seem quite new. (