I'm looking to buy a decent voice over mic. I'm a motion graphics guy who is doing a lot of adverts at the moment. We have studios, but, they're always busy, so want to get a decent voice over mic to do simple 30 second clips.
BUT, I was also wondering, is there a mic that'd do voice overs well and then double up and record acoustic fairly well? Or are they completely different mics? I'm really clueless when it comes to microphones. Any sites I can read up about different mics and uses (that aren't just trying to sell me everything)?
I have a Sennheiser MKH-60 which I've used mainly for when I film stuff. Never tried it for voice overs, because most videos I've seen of people doing voice overs don't use shotgun mics. But maybe that could work?
BUT, I was also wondering, is there a mic that'd do voice overs well and then double up and record acoustic fairly well? Or are they completely different mics? I'm really clueless when it comes to microphones. Any sites I can read up about different mics and uses (that aren't just trying to sell me everything)?
I have a Sennheiser MKH-60 which I've used mainly for when I film stuff. Never tried it for voice overs, because most videos I've seen of people doing voice overs don't use shotgun mics. But maybe that could work?