So about 18 month ago i bought a valvestate s80 from this forum. What a lovely thing it was.
Unfortunately she played her last few notes,
I had the head portion in, but all the electronics is fried. I tried myself to fix as well, and she is done. Between me and the experts, it is unanimous.
That said, i'm gong to create new life...
40 watt chipamp is waiting to be built this december.
I need some advice on the preamp sections.
Im planning a preamp based on 12ax7 tubes
Any one got diagrams and or experience? i'm still stuggelng to understand the dynamics.
Do i have 3 stages? Ie, overdrive feeds into preamp, feeds into power amp.
Or do i just have a pre amp with clipping high gain into the power amp?
Then i want 4 effects in series with a button i can bypass or engage.
Full on heavy distortion.
Wah (i understand this is tricky, since it is a digital effect)
I'm hoping to tackle this in the holiday season from the 22nd onwards.
Any one with experience/pointers/diagram etc?
Need a basic design before then so that i can have the transformer wound to specs, and source the parts before every one closes.
The power amp parts i have already. I can choose between 40watt chipamp, or duel channel 120watt sold state based on naim nap 200.
I need help on the pre and effects stages.
Unfortunately she played her last few notes,

I had the head portion in, but all the electronics is fried. I tried myself to fix as well, and she is done. Between me and the experts, it is unanimous.
That said, i'm gong to create new life...
40 watt chipamp is waiting to be built this december.
I need some advice on the preamp sections.
Im planning a preamp based on 12ax7 tubes
Any one got diagrams and or experience? i'm still stuggelng to understand the dynamics.
Do i have 3 stages? Ie, overdrive feeds into preamp, feeds into power amp.
Or do i just have a pre amp with clipping high gain into the power amp?
Then i want 4 effects in series with a button i can bypass or engage.
Full on heavy distortion.
Wah (i understand this is tricky, since it is a digital effect)
I'm hoping to tackle this in the holiday season from the 22nd onwards.
Any one with experience/pointers/diagram etc?
Need a basic design before then so that i can have the transformer wound to specs, and source the parts before every one closes.
The power amp parts i have already. I can choose between 40watt chipamp, or duel channel 120watt sold state based on naim nap 200.
I need help on the pre and effects stages.