If you have basic woodworking skills, a lot of patience, a clean workspace, a good guide-book and some experienced people to advise you, then go for it! The result will be an instrument that will cost less than R2000 but sound like a R20 000 model.
The only stuff I imported from US were the soundboard, brace wood, binding/purfling, dyed veneers, rosette, fretwire and tuners. But even the fretwire & tuners are available locally. Rare Woods in Cape Town has (had?) a stock of rosewood backs and sides (I had to sift thru a huge pile to find decent pieces) but you could also use other hardwoods (a friend with a bandsaw would be useful here). I got my neck from mahogany offcuts - also at RareWoods.
You don't need any "special" tools although they might make the job easier. If you are planning to build more than one in a lifetime, make your own tools and jigs. Two of my homemade cam clamps below
For a classical first build I would recommend "Guitar Makers Workshop" by Rik Middleton. Tons of advise and explanation, and written in a way that does not assume you are a complete fool. And there is tons of advise on the web.
Go for it (after the postal strike)!