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Hi guys ?

Alan/ any other G system users please chime in

Have had a few issues to say the least with setting up my G system in a 4 cable method with my fender supersonic 22W...
its mostly level issues with the loop

I have tried a good 4 times now to set it up according to Laird's white paper to no effect - The unit with the default settings recommended in Lairds manual - on the back End is a good 10dB's louder than plugged straight into amp with fx loop bypassed.

then with the front end in, its still massively louder.

So i made the following adjustments to match levels, but i feel its maybe not the best way to get the most transparent sound...
I increased the loop headroom to 6dB (which he says one should avoid doing ?)
I decreased the output to - 6 dB and
dropped the input to 2dB from standard input 8dB.
and had to engage the boost function to 2dB to get additional 2dB headroom on system.

Now its matched completely with dry input, but i have attenuated over 15dB which seems a little extreme.... i cant notice too much coloration or loss of tone, but im wondering if there is something else i can do

I am not using balanced cables., I believe my amps FX loop is the problem - it is serial to my knowledge and there is no visible attenuation/ loop level knobs.

    Most important thing to understand is: there are only two places you can actually boost levels in the G-Sys - the input gain and using the compressor effect. Every other level/gain setting is actually attenuation (including input level, output level and "Boost".

    So there is something else going one there. How I'd approach it is to divide and conquer: work two cables at a time. Start with guitar into G-Sys input and G-Sys Insert send into amp's input. Check what you've got and adjust your GS input gain to suit your guitar and loop level setting to bring it back down to unity with the guitar (so it'll match level for the amp as well as for any pedals in your other loops).

    Posting now, I'll write step two in another post.
      You probably know where this is going now, but anyway...

      Once you are happy that nothing is being radically boosted more than needed in the pre-effects section of the G-Sys, move on to the stuff that's in the loop of the amp.

      To do this:
      - unplug the input and insert send from the G-Sys
      - Plug the guitar cable directly into the amp's input
      - Take the amp's loop send and connect it to the insert return on the G-System
      - Then connect the G-system main output to the amp's loop return.

      Now you have all the G-sys post FX in the loop of the amp. If anything clips from a too hot amp loop send, use the G-Sys Input level to attenuate the signal a bit (leave the loop headroom at max, -2dB, it's kind of an arb control).

      Leave output level on max so you can access the full power of your amp when needed and use output volume to write levels into your patches.

      BTW - Try 6 - 9dB as a setting for "Boost". That'll work as a pure level boost with a preamp gain amp like the Supersonic and, as you know, 6dB is usually more than enough of a lift to elevate a part out of a (well balanced) mix. Mine is usually set to 4dB, but everything else is rather strictly controlled and premixed.

      NB - I should have mentioned to make sure that all FX are bypassed while you go through the proceedure. As mentioned Compression can boost levels and, while there is no output gain on the EQ, If you slam all the frequencies it will result in a gain boost too.
        4 days later
        hey alan

        sorry for silence, have been swamped.
        will give some time to this issue this weekend and see if I can sort it all out

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