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  • Im new here. Solo guitar, Chord/Melody w some bends

Hi good people
Just wanna say hi with this solopiece (no backingtrack)
Born To Be Blue written in 1947.
Yes, by the way, I play lefthand upside down .
Im looking foreward to explore this forum and learn and get inspired.
Regards Uffe
    welcome good to have another solo guitarist on the forum ....i also do the same solo guitar with no backtracks but in jazz genre

    great playing ...loved the feel ....
      Keira WitherKay wrote: welcome good to have another solo guitarist on the forum ....i also do the same solo guitar with no backtracks but in jazz genre

      great playing ...loved the feel ....
      Hi Keira
      Thanks. I checked and subscribed to your channel.
      Some beatiful playing there.
      It so cool that you play drums with brushes and HH while playing the chord/melody stuff on the guitar.Im impressed ?
      If you like you are welcome to subscribe to my YT channel, too .
      There are lots of standards for exchanging ideas
        Very cool Uffe. Really enjoyed that. 8)
          12 days later
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