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Hi all.

Not sure if anybody else posted about this. If somebody did then feel free to delete the post.

If not then you have to go check out this site. It is amazing and the info on there really works.

I went from picking the pentatonic from 90 BPM at 16th notes to 110 BPM 16th notes spot on. And that after 1 hour of practice. Who new that pick slanting had such a major effect on the speed. Well I did not but sure do now.

I got the Season pass that allows you to download the videos in 1080P. You can see on Youtube as well but sometimes the video and audio is out. With the downloaded videos I can see a lot better.

Watch Season 1 and then go to Season 2

They did spend allot of time in creating the site. As I also grew up with the music he is talking about it took me down memory lane.


Cheers Jaco.

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