Stoner Riff wrote:
Alan Ratcliffe wrote:
Stoner Riff wrote:
Does anyone know where we get Ibanez from ?
I am just asking because their prices are still OK, compared to the States.
That's because they are imported from Asia into the US by a distributor, the same as here, incurring duties and an extra markup. We also have VAT.
Still, Fender are overpriced locally by any standards because they have an extra step in the chain (Europe). Feedback (Fender SA) do what they can to keep the prices down, but ultimately are at the mercy of Fender US's policies - they can't even sell direct the way Marshall do Gibson. And SA buyers as a whole are too "small fish" to be able to effect any influence on Fender's policies.
Corporate bullshit rules the world ladies and gentlemen, corporate bullshit.
I hear 'ya mate !
The other problem is that Fender USA doesn't give a damn thing if they sell Fender in SA (Africa) or not. Otherwise they would have adjusted their Corporate Bullshit Rules. It's as simple as that. In a still recovering economy(USA that is) one would think that the Corporates would sit down and start thinking where they could increase market share for their products ?(don't ever think they want to increase their staff wellbeing) Typical American arrogance and stupidity, I experience it daily. I import myself.
We have 54M people in this country , I'm sure there are a fair amount of them that would be interested in obtaining a Fender product. Would be nice to know how may of this figure are musicians (or to be musicians) If 0.25%(maybe that's optimistic but you can still halve that) are guitar players(or to be) that means a production line of 135K of guitars, (and amps and other related products). How many Fender guitars are produced in the USA yearly ?
Now it this government of ours( maybe I offendending some people here, sorry, just a matter of speaking) could include "music" in their education there would be a future for a local guitar factory (supplying the rest of Africa (1Billion people) as well, rather then from the EU, UK or Asia) Even it would only mean manufacturing the least expensive products e.g. Squire or Affinity type etc.
Maybe the US (the world) is running out of suitable wood to built the possible required guitars(135K) They could start a plantation of suitable trees in Africa ?(I know one needs hard wood and cold winters, but hey scientific research can take over here to emulate it) There is plenty suitable land available.
It could lessen Zuma's burden of creating 5M jobs just in this country.
We would export !(in to Africa)
We would earn Dollars !
We would increase GDP ?
We would educate our people ! (maybe the Corporates are in cahoots with our government who don't want this ?)
Need I go on ?
Needs a clever (wanting) CEO to exploit al this and seriously sit down and think about all this. The Corporates have it to good obviously and don't give a damn ?