Chabenda wrote:
I had a dog called Cat
When I was in the army in Ladysmith many years who our company sergeant major had a little dog that followed him all over the place (including to batallion parade, which was not really on). I can't remember the mutt's name, but our platoon decided to call him "Slab". We used to save scraps from breakfast and give Slab a treat. The SM was peeved. He'd be strutting up the company lines in the morning with his swagger stick looking all officious and important and then Oscar Four (our platoon) would shout out "Slab! Here boy!" and Slab would come running for his titbit and the SM would feel like the shine had been taken off of his performance.
He must have complained because two things happened in quick succession
1) He was told that pets weren't welcome at Batallion parade.
2) We were told that calling permanent force member's pets by rude names was not on and transgressors would get extra guard duty. Our response was to address the mongrel as "Cat". Cat didn't seem to mind as long as he got a tasty treat.