Hnq wrote:
It seems the view is that this price is justified by the name and the perceived value, not the actual build quality and gear used in the strat.
What would the "optimal" value for money strat be; i.e. Best all round packaged equipment in a strat setup?
if you asking ... what is the best strat out there quality wise? you may as well ask "how long is a piece of string?"
simply because it's very personal.....
also as mentioned above a lot of the tone is from the player..... i would bet that Eric Clapton or John Mayer could pick up a 100% stock Squire/cort/SX strat copy bought for under R2000 and still sound good on it ....
guitars are all about personal tastes ....i am a great example ...cos personally i favour USA made guitars ...yet my current tele partcaster has USA(fender custom shop) pickups and USA hardware BUT a chinese made body ...which irks me BUT it sounds real good .....yet i WILL change it soon as i find something i like ...i'm just "wired" that way ...
but maybe that won't bother you .... BUT it bothers me ..especially for electric guitars
these days there are so many budget instruments that with minor mods will be 100% giggable on any stage or studio, but it's the players attitude/mindset that will dictate what is right for them
so buy what you happy with,,,there are some strat type guitars that are great value for money or just buy a USA standard strat or deluxe if you can afford it ....
and the best advice is buy 2nd hand it's way cheaper and you get much more bang for your buck
but follow your mind cos you will only be unhappy if it's not what you want