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I don't know why, but I have this inexplicable urge to own the LP Standard. It is just driving me insane.

So much so, that I'm considering importing from Amazon UK. Has anyone here ever tried to import guitars or do it through Amazon? What are all the fees I have to consider?
    You won't be able to order a guitar direct from Amazon Gibson especially do not allow their guitars to be sold overseas. You'd have to use one of those remailer type companies that advertise on Gumtree (in which case you might as well use Sweetwater or some other highly reputable company).

    But I think your best bet is to get some cash and keep an eye on Gumtree - they do pop up and if it's in your area, you get the chance to try it before you buy.
      Thanks for the reply Alan!

      I just saw now that Amazon doesn't sell the guitars outside the UK.

      I've found several guitars I want in Gumtree... but living in Bloem, its incredible hard to know in what condition the guitars are etc. So my only (at least thats what I reckon) option is to import.

      Are there any online retailers that you would suggest or someone who can help me out with this?

      PS: I'm very much in love with my Fender Strat... but the LPs just look amazing and I've never heard anyone say anything bad about them.
        Hi Lacuna,

        If I may add my 2c worth of advice. I own a Epiphone LP Custom and it is indeed a great guitar. I also gassed for one of these and I bought it as soon as I got enough money. I bought it without trying it out first. I ordered it and only played it when I got home. This in retrospect was not ideal... Althougt I love the guitar I actually rarely use it. It's just does not produce the sound I want... With my latest acquisition (Fender Tele) I did the right thing in going to as many stores as possible playing as many guitars as they would allow me. Taking up the better part of 2 month to decide and still not being completely sure I went to Music Connection in jhb and there she was... Finally a guitar giving me everything I could hope for.

        So, the LP's are great but be sure it is what you want before you order... There's nothing like playing the guitar before you buy...

        Things to look out for:
        1) The thickness of the neck. Mine has a thin'ish neck for a LP but my friend's LP has a much thicker neck which I dont like. (If you like a thin neck make sure ot the thickness before you order)
        2) Hardcase. I got mine without a hardcase and had to buy that extra. For shipping a hardcase is an absolute must.

        But after all is said and done and you realise you do want a LP... Man you won't be sorry.

        PS... If you find yourself close to V-town and want to try an LP you can pop me a message and we can arrange something)
          Thanks for the lenghty reply CDee.

          And I agree 110% with you. It is pretty noob to buy a guitar without properly testing it. I know this and yet... the GAS is so bad...

          The real problem is I can't test out the guitar at all. With the lovely Epi/Gibson distributor issue in South Africa I can't really find any guitar to test out. That, coupled with the fact that I live in Bloem makes it exceptionally hard to test a range of guitars. I was also considering getting a Telecaster, but someone advised me to rather avoid that because I already have the Strat.

          On the upside, I did manage to find someone locally that is selling a Studio (though I definately want the Standard), which would give me a good idea on how they sound and feel.

          What I do know is... everytime I see the LP I jizz ? ?
            I know what you mean man... The LP's are very beautifull (Check out my profile picture). The studio LP should give you a good idea of what they sound like.
            The Tele and Strat issue though I must disagree with. There is a noticable difference between them. The Tele is probably closer to the strat than the LP, but still a big difference. :bopping:

            Good luck with the search....

            BTW: Some very nice LP porn in this thread...

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