A short while ago I was offered a Reissue Marshall 1962 2x12 loaded with Greenbacks at a reasonable price, although I didn’t take up the offer, its still available, I have been mulling it over and that red mist is setting in, OCD, GAS you all know what I mean.
As I understand it, Clapton’s original Bluesbreaker went MIA and the exact mods done to his JTM45 were never really documented and is therefore subject to urban legend and speculation depending who one gets information from. By the way here is a great write-up “Chasing the Bluesbreaker Tone”
http://www.mercurymagnetics.com/pages/news/PremierGuitar/PremierG-08.htm makes for good reading.
So back to my dilemma; Am I crazy to chase this 1962 Reissue when it seems that everything from the Cab to the speakers needs to be changed to get “close” to that Bluesbreaker tone …… when I have a perfectly good AC30 that doesn't sound like a Marshall but I accept that ………….however, it does whatever I need quite nicely.