The C7 is awesome and does indeed have a baseball-bat-neck.
But for some reason I cannot figure out, unlike most guitarists, (all that I've spoken to at least) the thickness of the neck doesn't bother me at all. I can play an Ibanez and feel as comfortable on it as I did with the C7.
I spent over an hour just jamming on it (Hellraiser 7) and found I really got used to it fairly quick.
With that said, My custom 7 has more of an Ibanez neck hehe ?
But like you said Loomis played one before his custom (which I believe is similar to the C7) and did fine if not amazing.
I always say if there's a human on earth that can do something, then you can do it too, as talent is a myth. it just takes practice.
gsdejager wrote:
I'm in the market for a 7 string.
I'm in the R10 000 budget range although I can push a little higher if need be.
At this stage I'd say it's a battle between the RG 1572 and the C7.
Quite a good price on the Ibanez here (R 7 248):
Do yourself a favour and get the RG1527. I'm not sure if they are made in Japan anymore, but tried and tested and I own one. You might want to swap the pups with a set of Dimarzio Blaze's or Evolutions though. I was thinking of swapping the Stock Ibanez V77 & V87 on mine with Seymour Duncan Blackouts.
+1 with Explorerlover (and karma'd for the Blaze/Evo pup replacement suggestion).
I'm a bit biased towards Ibbies (also because i've never played a C7). Although you said you're looking at avoiding floyd roses, the RG7620s (Jap made ones) are good value for money (if you can find 'em) and its got the original lo pro 7 on it. The good thing about the 1527 is that you get a prestige 5 pc neck (if that amkes a difference to you).
If i had the money, i'd buy an Ibanez RG2027. Now, that is a 7 string guitar!
Just my 2 cents...
What style of music do you want to play?
The Ibanez's come standard with basswood bodies and thin necks and OK pickups that you'll probably have to swap out eventually (I would).
The Hellraiser C-7 Schecter (not the standard C-7 'cause that the poorer model) comes with Mahogany body, 707 tw's, neck through, so in my opinion you're guaranteed to have good warm tone in your hands straight out the box. (regarding Overdrive that's why I asked about style of music)
A friend of mine (Ruan7321) Has the Ibanez 7321 (lol) and the universe (actually think he might have sold that) and they can get great tone if you set your amp up a little differently but he changed changed the pickups to EMG's 707 and 7-string-81.
I'm not sure how you set your amp but most guitarist (in CT) always end up with nasaly tone live and that mixed with their Ibanez's sounds like poop (which is probably where I get my biased opinion from ?).
If I was you, the only thing that would stop me from getting the HR C-7 regarding your specs would be the neck. ?
lol well then, that pretty much answers it ?
I think you'd be more than happy to use a guitar that was used by Loomis himself.
hey, not sure if you've already put yo order in for your c-7, but if you can get your hands on the older rg7620 those things are japanese made, dimarzio p'ups even if you are gonna go wit emg's, solid as they come, built like tanks. been out of production for a while but i'd recommend them anyday. plus they came in a fixed bridge- rg7621. heck, for R10 000 i'd look at a k7. jap made as well, dimarzio's, awesome craftsmanship.
btw nobody else here heard about the dimarzio d-activators? active output-passive design. just drop 'em in yo axe and you're good to go. no need to route the sh*t outta you guitar and install a 9v.
@ gsdejager : Why would you wanna swap the EMG's with stock Ibanez Pickups or am I reading wrong ?