Yeah there are limitations to small room acoustic treatments. Doesn't mean that you can't improve them at all. Ya works with what ya have and makes the most of it.
A point I tried to make earlier (which I didn't summarise at the time - sorry) is that you get far better results from corner traps than wall-mounted broadband panel absorbers. After all - that's why one is called a bass trap and the other a broadband absorber. Even a panel absorber across a corner is
far more effective in the low end than the same placed against the wall. And yes, broadband absorbers basically act as high frequency absorbers when mounted flush against a wall - which can be useful to know in taming a bight room.
Sure, you can go a step further and make precisely tuned panel traps or heimholz resonators for your low end treatment, but you need to know exactly what you are doing to make it worthwhile.
So, get as much corner trapping going as you can (preferably superchunks - easier than panels to do), treat your reflection points to control flutters. That
will make a
huge difference. Then see how you are doing (get
REW for free and invest in a measurement mic) and then take it from there.
BTW: A while back, I drew up a list of coverage for a pack of 15 50mm batts (47 kg/m3). Might help you plan quantities:
One pack batts =
1 x 3m tall "superchunk" bass trap or
2 x 1.5m "superchunk" bass traps or
7 x 120 cm x 60 cm x 10 cm broadband panel absorbers
Two packs batts =
2 x 2m "superchunk" bass traps
plus 5 x panels