As a church/worship guy I think I can help a little...
naudecruywagen wrote:
Delay: Eventide Timefactor (I heard you can't go wrong and I've seen them used often)
Overdrive: Sticking with the SD-1. Or should I consider the Ibanez TS-9? Something else?
Volume: Ernie Ball VP JR (I see these everywhere, really, do people use something else?)
Tuner: Boss TU-3 or the Polytune 2
Delay: I use a DD20, love it, simple and easy to use. If I could, I'd buy a Strymon in heartbeat, it really comes down to the features vs price in my mind.
OD: Keep the SD-1. I have a TS9, and really works well to beef up single coils and cut through the mix without sounding harsh. I also run a 'more transparent' Boss OD-3 into it as a bit of a boost, I am told the SD-1 is great for this as well. This gives you a nice tonal pallet to work with if you know what you're doing.
Volume: Pretty wide selection out there, beware of tone suck... ?
Tuner: I use a TU-3, can't complain.
Amp wise, Alan hit the nail on the head. I run an AC15 just over the edge of breakup with no volume trouble. Well, no one has complained........yet.