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  • General Music
  • Annoying things you do that make your bandmates secretly hate you

This sounds like our old bassist... like every single thing in that article. One gig he arrived just after we had finished setting up and really drunk, his backup vocals got magically louder after every song as he "adjusted" the PA until he was just as loud as our singer but waaaaaay off key, as well as inventing his bass bits for each song. I still cringe when I think of it.
    • [deleted]

    that's funny, they don't have my personal favorite : someone stopping us, just after we've all started a song, because someone has something incredibly important to say... every time...why...why....why! Or just starting anywhere you feel like, and everybody just has to fall in, because, of course, we all live in your head too.
      My pet hate is always ending up with not only the PA system but mike stands and backline belonging to everyone else stored at my house. Somehow it always ends up back there. I always end up having to load it all and set it all up - Either I'm doing something wrong here or I'm backing Mick Jagger ???

      It really gets on my nerves >☹
        One that is really problematic and is something I'm personally very bad with, is shutting the hell up between songs: I've found guitarists to be particularly awful at keeping quiet and avoiding endless noodling/riffs between takes.
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