I decided to make the (probably unnecessary) purchase of an electronic drum kit last week. I felt like learning something new, and I'm hoping learning to play the drums will aid me in my midding programming as I will hopefully gain a better understanding of how drummers think.
Here it is:

Is it a Roland or Yamaha? Nope... but did it cost about 1/3 of what I would have paid for a Roland or Yamaha? Yup. This is a Medeli which I believe is made in Hong Kong.
The kit is of solid build and I am impressed with how sturdy the whole thing is. The onboard sounds are not great as one would expect, however this is not an issue for me as I am using the kit strictly as midi triggers for Steven Slate Drums on my PC.
The pads aren't the most sensitive and things like the cymbal chokes are not always 100% responsive... however, for what I paid, I cannot complain. As a beginner electronic drum kit I think I made a great purchase. A major positive is the fact that the kick drum pad is large enough to add a double beater. Many of the kits I've seen don't have such a large pad.
When I first set it up and started playing I thought it felt so incredibly awkward. And this is how I've always felt when messing around on friends' drumkits. Then I suddenly thought, 'hang on, I'm a lefty...' So I switched everything around and now it feels a lot more natural.
Here it is:

Is it a Roland or Yamaha? Nope... but did it cost about 1/3 of what I would have paid for a Roland or Yamaha? Yup. This is a Medeli which I believe is made in Hong Kong.
The kit is of solid build and I am impressed with how sturdy the whole thing is. The onboard sounds are not great as one would expect, however this is not an issue for me as I am using the kit strictly as midi triggers for Steven Slate Drums on my PC.
The pads aren't the most sensitive and things like the cymbal chokes are not always 100% responsive... however, for what I paid, I cannot complain. As a beginner electronic drum kit I think I made a great purchase. A major positive is the fact that the kick drum pad is large enough to add a double beater. Many of the kits I've seen don't have such a large pad.
When I first set it up and started playing I thought it felt so incredibly awkward. And this is how I've always felt when messing around on friends' drumkits. Then I suddenly thought, 'hang on, I'm a lefty...' So I switched everything around and now it feels a lot more natural.