Last year I entered the wonderful world of valve amps. First one was an Ibanez TSA30 amp. Really nice bluesy amp...but...I had to have a Blackstar HT 40. I just had to. Turns out these amps are SSSOOOO different and the latter don't really suit my playing style (I've been warned but GAS is GAS).
So I've been wondering? Is it time to step up and get a Fender amp? My style of playing is a mixture of blues, classic rock, r&b, funk so play clean rythmn and generally use overdrive or distortion for solos. Aspiring to become a smooth jazz and fusion guitarist.
So what Fender amp should I be looking at? Headroom, smooth breakup and a good pedal platform seems to be what I want. Everything the Ibanez gave me but since I'm new to the world of Fender amps I guess asking might point me in the right direction.
I would recommend a deluxe reverb or twin reverb if you can afford it. The exchange rate has pushed the new price ridiculously high but I think it's one of the best cleans you get with insane headroom and because it's one of the best cleans you get it's one of the best pedal platforms.
I forgot to mention that the twin reverb doesn't have a dirty channel and only breaks up in the power stage at extremely high volumes. However, pretty much any dirt pedal sounds incredible in front of it.
So you're heavy on cleans? Check out the Hotrod Deluxe/DeVille amps. They come in a few flavours, but they're solid amps. Nice cleans and nice breakup.
The Blues Junior too. There's no drive on those things so you're going to have to crank it and/or throw on od in front.
Vox ACs also have good cleans and have a surprising amount of headroom - even the 15 watt model. But they breakup pretty easily too if you tweak it right.
Not valve, but Roland's Jazz Chorus has some legendary cleans. A nice distortion in front for solos and you're the quintessential jazz-fusion cat ?
Twin or Prosonic.
Deluxe or Twin. The Twin's a wonderful pedal platform, and is the benchmark clean tone (only thing that comes close that I've played are the Two-Rocks). But a bit too much of an amp for many as it starts loud and only gets louder. God forbid you'd actually crank it to the point where it starts breaking up, and it breaks up a little on the harsh side compared to other Fenders anyway.
The Deluxe does glorious cleans to edge of breakup tone at a volume that works for most band situations. The cleans are not quite as nice as the Twin, but it does the breakup tone better. Works pretty well as a pedal platform as long as you keep it clean (there's a reason guys like proguitarshop use a Deluxe for most pedal demos).
The Hotrods are a more modern, more flexible amp. More gain on tap (and more of it from the preamp, rather than the poweramp) and has newfangled things like an FX loop, which are handy, but not as sweet on the cleans or edge of drive tones as the classics.
I love the Voxes too (my favourite drive tones), but they're a lot more fussy about pedals. The AC30 is damn loud by the time it's driving and the AC15, while also surprisingly loud never seems to have enough clean headroom for me (which is great if you like to always have a bit 'o grit).
The JC120 is a great clean amp, and is as punchy as a Twin, but can be harsh with any drive (and especially distortions or fuzzes).
Thanks for all the suggestions so far. Hopefully I'll get a chance to test out some Fender amps soon.
Also I hear that the Hot Rod Deluxe iii seems to best the most affordable Fender amp this side of the world (new) and that a preamp tube change will tame the volume and/or break-up on the amp?
I had a JC120 already and as much as liked the clean on that amp I could not live with the overdrive/distortion as it didnt quite give me what I want (using pedals). And it was damn heavy!!!
funkadelic wrote:
I had a JC120 already and as much as liked the clean on that amp I could not live with the overdrive/distortion as it didnt quite give me what I want (using pedals). And it was damn heavy!!!
Forget about a Twin Reverb then ?
funkadelic wrote:
Also I hear that the Hot Rod Deluxe iii seems to best the most affordable Fender amp this side of the world (new) and that a preamp tube change will tame the volume and/or break-up on the amp?
The HRDx3 (lawd that's a pain to type) is the best incarnation of the Hot Rod so far, with the most usable drive and a volume pot that isn't like an on-off switch. I had a "gen 2" and I used a 12DW7 tube in v2 of the pre-amp (I think) to tone down the drive and I thought it sounded quite nice. The cleans were great.
If you're willing to spend a bit (a lot) more, then also check out the Super Sonic, which I think has one of the best built-in drive channels of the current crop of Fender amps.
Also have you considered Mesas? Many of them have beautiful cleans and they're often more versatile than old Fender designs.
Yep, I considred Mesas...when I first started reading up about tube amps the Mesa Boogie Mark IV was actually the amp of choice based on a hell of lot of "research" but man that amp was expensive! So I literally walked away and never gave it another thought.
funkadelic wrote:
Yep, I considred Mesas...when I first started reading up about tube amps the Mesa Boogie Mark IV was actually the amp of choice based on a hell of lot of "research" but man that amp was expensive! So I literally walked away and never gave it another thought.
You could always consider one of the better Bugeras with 6L6's. It's build quality isn't very good but it is acceptable and it's tone is actually very good for the money. My friend has a 333XL 2x12 combo that he got for R3000 and it sounds really good with his PRS SE.
Speaking of that, have you considered a pickup change? If you use EMGs in your main guitar I don't think you're gonna get amazing clean and blues tones IMO.
And just to add my two cents you can also get one of the amazing amp builders on the forum to build you a Fender clone for much less than a reissue which would be more to spec than the Fenders of old...
Downside is the resale value wouldn't be as good because no one will really believe the value of it etc...
? ? Shameless VOX Punt ? ?
But seriously...
It is probably going to come down to you A/Bing between a Twin and a Deluxe if you are set on a Fender amp.
Don't be scared to look around at your other options as well.
Re the guitar:
I have been playing with the idea of selling the guitar many many times. I tried to once but when I was offered a deal I withdrew coz it held too much sentimental value.
Re the Guitar Amp builders:
OMW! For real? Well this is an option I must investigate than. Ok I will first go and test some amps but wow that's damn awesome news!!!
Not to highjack my own thread but I've been thinking about getting another guitar that's a bit more suited to my style. Will be looking at the Ibanez Artist Series as a starting point...if I can find one. Used to love that guitar. Never owned one though. It sounded great over a JC120. Pretty sure it's gonna be the bomb with a Fender amp.
I'm considering selling my VOX Bruno TB18C1 as I'm looking to upgrade, which is very much a fenderesque VOX. Due to the 6V6's it has a much more fendery clean sound, but is still enough of a VOX to let you get that kind of sound too. Let me know if you want to come round and try it out?
With regards to custom built amps, if I was looking to have a build done, I'd be straight in touch with Benj Craig (bottledtone on the forum). He'd be able to build you a beaut of an amp.
Ye I agree with Refugee. I'd take a Craig over a fender any day of the week.
As far as Fender amps go, my only noteworthy experience has been with a Blues jnr. I use mine daily, and to me it's a great pedal platform.
If you have the money, it's absolutely worth having a chat with Benjamin Craig. My other daily use amp is an amp he built for me. Handsdown the best amp I've ever payed. Let alone owned.
Add to that the fat that he's absolutely passionate about what he does. You just cannot go wrong.
Ok so it seem to be choice between some Fenders, Vox or a custom build amp for me. And another guitar maybe. Tough choices that I will explore most certainly. The custom amp idea is a bit of a revelation.