I have this microphone which I've only used a few times, and I've always treated it well i.e. put in casing, never dropped, don't store near sunlight . . . and now it just doesn't work any more. I've tried swapping cables, channels, microphones, and its only that mic that doesn't work.
Its rather unfortunate as its an excellent mic. Is there anything I could do or anyone I could take it to to try breath some life back into it again?
The mic is an Oktava MK-319
Open it up and check that none of the wires have come loose. If one has, it's a simple fix. Otherwise get in touch with Matt Allison and ask him to take a look.
Thanks Alan. Much to my relief, I managed to sort it out. Phew
What was wrong?
Its hard to pin-point, but I believe it was a power issue. The microphone just wasn't getting the power it needed. So I opened it up (as per your advice) scouted around, made sure all the connections were solid, then checked the cable, and there we go. Turned the power on, and it worked