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Hi. I'm about to buy my first pa system and have been a offered a deal on Hybrid 15" active speakers and a mixer for a good price. Does anyone have experience with Hybrid speakers? If yes, are these good speakers to start off or should I rather fork out some more money for some Wharfdale Titans or something? Advice will be apprciated.

The pa system will be mostly use for background type music for guitarists and vocalist but I want it to be versatile enough should I need to plug in the band for jam sesions etc. Thanks in advance...
    I only know the Hybrid brand from their power amps years ago - cheap, but they blew up with monotonous regularity. I think I'd rather push you to Wharfedale Titans.

    Also, generally for a two-way speaker, a 12" is going to sound better. IME the 15's all have a gap in the mids, right where the intelligibility of the voice lives. 15" 3-ways are usually better for that (or the more expensive 15" 2-ways like the EONs).
      9 days later
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