Wondering if someone could advise me, i`m looking to get my neck pickup replaced, i`ve got a seymour duncan invader in the bridge. The sound that i am looking for is a warm shredding type of sound (hard to explain) with good sustain, volume distribution and harmonics. I`m looking at the Dimarzio air zone, air norton or maybe the tone zone in the neck(can it be done)??? Putting it into a epiphone lp custom, what is the best option - or any suggestions would be awesome!!
Neck pickup selection??
Or the dimarzio PAF Pro??
Any Pickup will be relatively warm in the neck position. Tone Zone is way hot for a neck pickup. Air Zone will probably be too fat in the neck. PAF Pro is brighter than a normal PAF. Air Norton would probably be my choice - good strong midrange "lead" voice and good harmonics. I have one waiting for me to get a chance to fit to the neck of my 'bucker guitar (not a Les Paul, but it'll give me a good idea what it'll sound like in an LP) and I'll report when I've done (about a week).
That awesome, thanx a lot!!
What i meant to ask was what about the Dimarzio evo neck vs the air norton?
dont underestimated the word "vintage"
I used the Pearly Gates humbucker from S-D, and its great for flatout shredfest (thick and creamy, with lotsa cool harmonics)
Quinis : i used it on Polar Threat on my JS
I used the Pearly Gates humbucker from S-D, and its great for flatout shredfest (thick and creamy, with lotsa cool harmonics)
Quinis : i used it on Polar Threat on my JS
That is exactly the tone i`m after - what is the difference between the pearly gates and the air norton in tone?
Both good pickups. Pearly Gates is more like a vintage PAF, but a bit hotter and warmer. The Air Norton is fairly mid heavy.
Seymour Duncan Jazz works well with an Invader in the bridge - ala Cort X Master Series (remember the "all white" one, Alan ?)
Vaguely... I saw one once, but I don't think I ever played it.