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Hi Guys,

I know this topic has been covered before but please offer me some advice...

I am tentatively thinking about studying music. I don't necessarily have a goal in mind, ie I'm almost 30 have studied various non-music related things hold down a decent playing (EDIT paying not playing, I work in Digital Marketing doing Project Management) job, could have possibly studied music at one time but at the time felt it was more of a hobby, as I've progressed and whatever I've fallen more and more in love with guitar and music and, in my head anyway, would love to study music, go balls deep and just learn everything I can, learn how to break it, learn how to advance any of the ideas I come across in my playing and obviously expand every aspect that I can that relates to music.

What I mean by that is I know its a tough industry I don't envision studying music like say accounting and finishing and then applying for all the music jobs in the classifieds ? I want to study it because its my passion and I am sick of working and using my brain in doing things I don't give a sh** about. I'll put myself on the corner to make ends meet if I have to.

So next question is where? My thinking is at one of the Universities or Technikons, but which are good? I am based in JHB and have studied at WITS for my BA so would happily go back there but? PTA? PTA Tech? CPT? Uni vs Tech vs colleges?

And then I am fairly useless when it comes to theory, I see WITS for instance has a foundation course, obviously adding time onto your studies, should I go that route or try and get my knowledge up to say Unisa/ABRSM theory Grade 5 (WITS application requirement) before applying? Possibly even applying end of next year?

So yeah just any advice or feedback on studying music.

Thanks guys I appreciate it in advance ?

    simple answer is .....YES do it man ....

    I study for the hell of it , only recently have my studies actually lined up to my career path.....

    life is short , do the things you want to do .....don't regret not doing it one day...
      Not to sound soppy but one of the last things my father said to me before he passed away at age 56 was "dont spend your entire life working for a boss. Find something you enjoy and pursue that fully".

      Although I am still trying to figure out what that thing is for me, it's always at the back of my head.

      Work is work and provides a measure of security, but also, in today's economy that security is false and relatively worthless. Go ask the droves of people being retrenched daily if their undying loyalty, hours of overtime and perceived job-security meant anything in the end. Well, from experience, that answer is a loud NO.

      I think, as a culture, South Africans are inherently opposed to taking risks, as the fear of failing is so strong. Also, we've been taught to find a job and work until we die, basically. I see it all around me, and I'm not innocent. Loads of guys come up with good ideas but none of them ever pursue them. I myself have had some ideas, and passed on them....only to see, some time down the line, someone else doing what I intended and making a success of it.

      We often also see people make a success of silly things, and think "thats no biggie....I could have done that". Well, see, there's the difference...the other guy actually did do it.

      Anyway, getting back on topic, go for it!
        Hey Guys,

        Thank you so much for the responses. I fully agree that we as South Africans don't like taking risks and have that go to school, get a job, work till you die mentality and it sucks and I totally have it.

        I think I am going to apply to Wits, go audition, see where it gets me AND IF I get in see if I can put plans together to make ends meet and pay the fees by drawing on my acquired skills.

        Thanks for the words of encouragement, really awesome!!
          • [deleted]

          As far as I can see you can't go wrong going to a big institution to learn music. You'll meet lots of people, and that is very largely what it's about. I know in Cape Town, they very narrowly offer either Jazz or Classical, and African music on the side, so you'll have to start liking one those two sommer lots, but heavens above...NOT BOTH AT THE SAME TIME. kidding .... I think.
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