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  • Effects
  • Guitar Effects Pedal Chain: What Is The Best Order?

Fuzz before wah is good too - gives a wider frequency spectrum for the wah to filter. But either way can work well. Some classic fuzzes and wahs will want to be first in line, but that's not a problem with most newer designs.

But your order looks fine. You say it sounds right, which is the final deciding criteria.
    Thanks guys.... I haven't tried fuzz before wah yet but I'll give it a shot sometime, I found wah after distortion just fucked with my signals...also I found if I put the whammy anywhere but first the distortions and wah also go all weird...the one articles suggests putting whammy after distortion which is the opposite of what the manual I got said...is there any reason to put it after distortion?

    Otherwise thanks for the pointers, really appreciate it.
      Hey man

      You might want to try putting your wah before your tuner even. Not sure which tuner it is, but it might be a buffered bypass. Like the others say, generally try to keep your fuzzes and wahs as early as possible, although it's not a rule. I actually run wah (buffered out for fuzzes) > fuzz > Vol (Tuner out) > OD > Fuzz > Delay
        It's a planet waves tuner.... I don't think it has bypass.... I have wah then fuzz then ods atm. I'll def check out the fuzz first and see what it sounds like ?
          +1 on trying the fuzz before the wah. That's how I like mine for the little bit of buggering around with a wah that I do. If you have the fuzz before, and the Jekyll and Hyde after, then you've got dirt options before and after the wah which I've found is quite cool.
            Bacon Rage wrote: It's a planet waves tuner.... I don't think it has bypass....
            Is it the Tru Strobe pedal one?

              This one...it seems to be an older model of the one on their website.
                Ok it seems it has hard true bypass...? Good thing to know ?
                  Sweet. I have the newer one. Only thing I've found is it works better after a buffer, so ja, maybe mess around with putting the wah before it (dunno if it it buffered bp though). Whatever sounds good to you ?
                    Thanks man! Appreciate all the tips! ?
                      10 days later
                      The J+H is buffered as far as I know, so use that to your advantage! Fuzz before WAH. Aweh(wah)
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