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A piece I recorded this evening ?

    This is brilliant stuff Dan! So catchy, makes you wanna get up and clap along!
      Yeah that is really awesome stuff, nice one
        Great vid. Love the tone.
          I watched this last night. Super playing, awesome tone! 8)
            ShreddySmurf wrote: I watched this last night. Super playing, awesome tone! 8)
            Amen to that.
            Nicely done Dan. Really nice playing & fantastic tone to boot.

              Awesome tone, good quality recording(both audio/vid) and great tune!

              Keep it up!
                Thank you so so much everyone!

                If anyone is interested, I was using an Empress compressor set to a 4:1 ratio, with medium attack and release into a Timeline set onto a digital slapback, into my Lionheart 20 watt head plugged into a 1963 Fender Bassman Cab. It was recorded with an SM58 I had lying around. Also made use of an EHX freeze ?
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