Alan Ratcliffe wrote:
OK. I've got a Boss DI-1, Radial ProD2, Fishman Aura DI and Baggs Para-Acoustic DI and have used all on a variety of pickups.
Which pickups do you have with the A2.2 (the A2.2 is the preamp/mixer)? If both, note that the Fishman Aura needs the trims adjusted on the A2.2 so the mix is all UST, rather than the AST - that's what it is designed to work with. I know some guys love the AST's, but every time I've worked with one, I know I'm gonna get a low frequency hump that will cause feedback issues. The Baggs PADI is the best at coping with the AST, but even then a highpass filter on the desk is an absolute must.
In fact, While I use the Aura myself (mostly to add some life to electric guitar saddle piezos and Carvin nylon solidbody), the PADI is my go-to for any acoustic guitar. Easiest to dial in for a variety of guitars and quickly kill any feedback. What it won't do however is make a quacky pickup system sound better, which the Aura excels at. The passive Radial does a fairly good job of that too (good transformers go a long way to smoothing off a bit of "edge" from harsh sounds), but lacks any EQ or feedback suppression - would be my first choice if I wanted to get a good unadulterated signal to a good engineer on a good desk.
The Boss works well (very underrated those), but is a bit bland. Usually ends up on passive electric bass.
Thanks for all the info Alan!
I'll play with the Aura and the AST / UST trim. I just downloaded the manual for the A2.2 so I'll read up on what is what with the pickup. ?