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Wow, what an amp, the best Fender amp I've ever heard/played...and I owned a 66 Vibrolux Reverb..

TOMS Sandton ordered one for a customer.
I spent over an hour with him as he played some of his Fender Strats through it.
He's a SRV/Hendrix/Meyer kind of player, great guitarist, sounded incredible.
Then I popped a Les Paul into his hands, he wasn't happy at first, but WOW, this Supersonic sounds killer with any guitar.
First channel is basically a Deluxe Reverb, with no mid knob.
Second channel is a monster, by far the best Fender distortion I've ever heard.

If you like Fender amps and have money to spend, this is the killer of all current modern Fender amps...IMO.

Any of you guys ever played one?
    Tokai SA wrote: Wow, what an amp, the best Fender amp I've ever heard/played...and I owned a 66 Vibrolux Reverb..

    TOMS Sandton ordered one for a customer.
    I spent over an hour with him as he played some of his Fender Strats through it.
    He's a SRV/Hendrix/Meyer kind of player, great guitarist, sounded incredible.
    Then I popped a Les Paul into his hands, he wasn't happy at first, but WOW, this Supersonic sounds killer with any guitar.
    First channel is basically a Deluxe Reverb, with no mid knob.
    Second channel is a monster, by far the best Fender distortion I've ever heard.

    Any of you guys ever played one?
    Deluxe Reverb doesn't have a mid knob on either of its channels.

    It was on my shortlist (the combo) recently before I went for the DRRI, it almost made it to the top of the list, only reason I chose the DRRI over it was I really had no use for the drive channel. Superb amp though!
      nick wrote:
      Tokai SA wrote: Wow, what an amp, the best Fender amp I've ever heard/played...and I owned a 66 Vibrolux Reverb..

      TOMS Sandton ordered one for a customer.
      I spent over an hour with him as he played some of his Fender Strats through it.
      He's a SRV/Hendrix/Meyer kind of player, great guitarist, sounded incredible.
      Then I popped a Les Paul into his hands, he wasn't happy at first, but WOW, this Supersonic sounds killer with any guitar.
      First channel is basically a Deluxe Reverb, with no mid knob.
      Second channel is a monster, by far the best Fender distortion I've ever heard.

      Any of you guys ever played one?
      Deluxe Reverb doesn't have a mid knob on either of its channels.

      It was on my shortlist (the combo) recently before I went for the DRRI, it almost made it to the top of the list, only reason I chose the DRRI over it was I really had no use for the drive channel. Superb amp though!
      Congrats on the new DRRI, awesome amp, all the best with it.
      My 66 Vibrolux Reverb was basically the Deluxe Reverbs big brother...32 watts, 2x10, also no mid knob.
      The 'vintage' Fender amp experts on the Fender forum told me many years ago that the Deluxe and Vibrolux reverbs mid EQ is kind of preset at 6.
        6.8+-5% if I remember correct ?

        Have not actually played one of these. Can imagine it sounded different through a 412 too!!!
          It's a Fender 4x12 matching cab, closed back, built like a tank, weighs a ton.
          You won't be gigging with this cab, place it in a spot at home and prepare to never move it...which is what the buyer is doing, he's a doctor, he doesn't gig. ?
            The Super Sonic series is killer!
            I have the 60 watt head and the 412 cab!
            Nothing comes close to it, in any sense possible! It's my workhorse amp, Been looking to get a 22watt combo aswell (for the convenience)
            What do they charge at TOMS?
              A great series of amps. Modern classics, IMO and a great contender for higher gain players too.
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