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Last night i watched a very touching documantary i thought some of you would like. It was called West of Memphis and is about the West Memphis 3.

Some of you may know of the case from the 90's but i had no idea of it until i saw this documantary last night. If you don't know the story, 2 kids between the age of 16 and 18 were sentenced to life without parol and 1 was sentenced to death by lethal unjection for the crime which was sold to the public as a Satanic Cult killing, Because they looked a little different to the average Joe. They were poor kids and one was borderline mentaly disabled, easy targets for the system to charge for a crime.

The documantary follows the new defense team who takes on the appeal and shows the support of some musicians and actors to try and get these kids another trial hearing, but the justice system is so screwed up that the state wants nothing to do with it.

After watching that i have really changed my stance on the whole debate regarding the death penalty.

Give this video a watch, it may tug on your heart strings a bit though.

    needleshy wrote: The documantary follows the new defense team who takes on the appeal and shows the support of some musicians and actors to try and get these kids another trial hearing, but the justice system is so screwed up that the state wants nothing to do with it.
    studmissile wrote: Even better check out the original "Paradise Lost Trilogy"

    On August 19, 2011, they entered Alford pleas, which allow them to assert their innocence while acknowledging that prosecutors have enough evidence to convict them. Judge David Laser accepted the pleas and sentenced the three to time served. They were released with ten-year suspended sentences, having served 18 years and 78 days in prison.[6]
    Seems they've been freed? If I understand the wiki article correctly?

      Sorry Sean should have clarified Trilogy: 3 documentary features that sparked it all off. Yes they have been freed but had to plead guilty. Watch it, you won't be sorry.


      also another great documentary by the same filmmakers is


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