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Hi guys,

My Ibanez RGA 121 sometimes makes a popping / crackling noise when connected to my amp.
I'm 100% sure it's not the amp as i have connected up my other guitars.

Is it the pots that are dirty ? tried to do some googling.

If anyone has some advice on this it would be much appreciated

    Yeah i have, it's the same cable i used with my other guitars and it's fine. It's a Dimarzio cable.

    I also have tried a different cable, the pickups on the guitar are an EMG 60 and 81 if that helps.
      Is the crackle/popping predominant when you turn the volume and tone pots?
        Yeah the crackle is there when turning the volume and tone nobs but if i jiggle it around it will sometimes go away etc..

        But if i just have it plugged in it sometimes does the popping noise.
          To me it sounds like your output jack is a bit loose? Check to see that the nut on the output jack is nice and tight.
            Hey Bob,

            The input jack on the RGA 121 looks like this

            Which is pretty much embedded inside of the guitar, so i don't think it's nut around it.

            Is it difficult to clean the pots ?
              That corrugated ring around the very tip of the sheath, make sure that is turned as tight as possible.
              If it is, then yes, possibly look at the pots.
                defourzE wrote: Is it difficult to clean the pots ?
                It's not that difficult, but a tin of contact cleaner is expensive for a once-off. It's also not guaranteed to help, but is worth a shot. You need to open up, and spray the contact cleaner in through the holes in the side of the pot (if there are any). If it still crackles, the pots need replacing.

                EDITED TO ADD: Make sure to use the right stuff for cleaning, you want a potentiometer cleaner, not the greasy stuff
                  Can be any of three things - pots, switch or jack. Usually wiggling them will reveal which one(s) are the culprit(s).

                  Those parts are all prone to bugging out within a few years. Replace with quality Switchcraft, CRL and CTS parts and you're set for a decade or more of hassle free performance.
                    Thanks for the helpful responses guys, i'll check that ring on the output jack and try nail down where the problem is located.

                    @Alan that sounds like a good idea, but the questions is where can i get it done in Cape Town ?

                      defourzE wrote: @Alan that sounds like a good idea, but the questions is where can i get it done in Cape Town ?
                      Speak to Gareth at Marshall's in CT.
                        Just one possible thing to check....

                        Power! EMGs require a battery to power them as they are active. Sometimes when the battery is running flat, or is a cheap one or rechargeable that can't keep up with the draw upon it, then you start getting distorted sounds, pops and crackles.

                        I have to ask the obvious here, but have you tried changing the battery? Try a decent battery like a duracel and see if that cures it? At least then you've ruled out that side of things.

                          Alan Ratcliffe wrote: Can be any of three things - pots, switch or jack. Usually wiggling them will reveal which one(s) are the culprit(s).

                          Those parts are all prone to bugging out within a few years. Replace with quality Switchcraft, CRL and CTS parts and you're set for a decade or more of hassle free performance.
                          How about Bourne's pots? Have you had experience with them?
                            DDR4LYF wrote: How about Bourne's pots? Have you had experience with them?
                            Yeah - they've always been good - I actually prefer the feel of them to the CTS. Just make sure to get their guitar pots (preferably the premium versions), as they make a lot of different variations.
                              I haven't changed the battery in a while, will give it a shot tonight thanks ?
                                Make sure your battery connections themselves are good! Ensure each clip (pos & neg) clips in firmly, without any undue movement. ???

                                Other than that, clean/replace pots, clean/replace out jack, . . .
                                A can of electronic cleaner may be a bit cheaper than a guitar tech, but will the issue be solved?

                                .......... :?
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