So, I'm into Gretsches and stuff and my aluminium bridge on my 6120-DSW is a bit tired and I've read/heard about other options and materials to change the tone etc.
So here are some options that I've checked out:
1. Rocking Bar Bridge (Gretsch)
2. Tru-Arc Bar Bridge (Tru-Arc)
3. Syncro-sonic Bridge (Gretsch)
4. Space Control Bridge (Gretsch)
5. Compton Compensated Bridge (Compton)
From what I've read, the two best options are the Tru-Arc and Compton but there is a large price difference between them, with the Tru-Arc being more expensive and a more accurate vintage vibe.
Since I'm not bothered with the look, I'm going for the Compton in Stainless Steel for my 6120 and move my old compensated bridge onto my 5120 to replace it's stock tunamatic one.
They also make them out of other materials which alter your tone in particular ways. Namely: Copper, Brass, Aluminium, Stainless-Steel and special order Titanium. You can also get the Ti one chambered for an enhanced tone.