You can find reverbs quite affordably second-hand - I've seen a couple of Digitech reverbs and older boss units going for R400 - R500 lately. The newer Boss/Fender reverb is popping up between R600 and R1200 these days too - and if it's spring you are after, that's a
great unit. Price-wise reverbs and delays tend to be in the same ballpark. There are just more delays available on the market because so many amps have reverb built-in.
Arjun Menon wrote:
Hmm... this is a challenge indeed. You might be able to get fairly good results using a multitap delay.
Sort of. Reverb is more chaotic though. It's difficult to get a delay (even a good multitap) to smear and wash in the same way - especially on shorter settings.
i remember seeing a TC Electronic D-Two on the forum classifieds not too long ago.
I nabbed that at the same time we spoke about the G-Major (which I'm getting from Joe tomorrow, BTW). Didn't need it, but at the price, I couldn't resist. You know me and delays... It's a bit overkill to use that to fake reverb though. ?