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  • Intros
  • Yo. Good to be here. Damn fine forum!

Hi all. Hope all's good with you guys. Glad to have come across this forum.

I started playing guitar 25 yrs ago and stopped about 10 yrs ago! Dumbest thing ever! Well I've been playing for at least 2 months now and don't know why I even stopped. Damn I've missed a lot!

I have an 1985 Axestar by Ibanez AX40BK, BC Rich Warlock - Mick Thomson Special Series, 1992 Marshall JCM900 (4100), Boss GT100 and Boss MT2 and want some more!

Good to be here.
    Welcome!!! Guitars don't mind being laid off for a while!!
      Welcome...........finally another Warlock........If you like the pedals that you have, then you should REALLY try out the EHX metal muff.

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