Interesting. I count three transistors. Is that a fuzz face with boost/recovery? And then every component gets a pot?
Something that always interest me about these circuits is the useful range of each pot. Bias and starve especially normally have such a narrow useful range. The more flexibity you give yourself, it seems the more opportunity there is to create really useless tones in addition to the awesome ones. How much tweaking did you do of pot values and ranges?
Nice enclosure, by the way, I like the rough sanding and layers of paint
It's a Silicon high gain fuzz face with an added Lpb 1 boost in front. No special Germanium here but it does have an ocean of gain on tap.
I'll write up a full explanation when I have some time to spare ?
As to the useful range of each pot it's entirely dependant on the circuit design. For example, the useable Bias on the second transistor is 3-3.5V so by choosing a combination of components that results in 3V and 3.5V on either rotation of the pot you end up with knob that doesn't have a minute sweet spot.
Unfortunately I must have been smoking my socks when calculating the Starve/Voltage pot as the useful range is only in the last quarter rotation. Ie useful range is 4V - 9V and turning below 3/4 goes below 4V and kills the circuit. Honestly not in the mood to correct it anytime soon though but no trainsmash either ?