First of all a tiny rant then some advice please
tiny Rant
I play occasionally at an open mic acoustic club near my place.
One of the reasons I do not always go to the weekly session is that I find the sound terrible -
Now I really do not claim to be anywhere near to expert in this area but for me
-volume balance between guitar and vox is not right with the volume on instrument too high and on vox too low
-EQ on each channel generally tends to be set as follows LOW +3, MID -3 to 4, HI +3 (the amp is a PEAVEY D8000 or it's pre-decessor so LO = 80Hz shelf, MID = 425 Hz peak, HI = 12kHz shelf according to what i could glean off the web?)
-the post channel EQ graphic equaliser with 10 slots is generally set to a shallow U shape, so again cutting the Mids and boosting the LO's and HI's
The overall effect is one of a very "boomy" sound where the vocals are not fully audible, even for chatter in between songs, and on top of that the instruments mostly drown out the vocals from a volume perspective.
It may be but I don't think that this is because of my older ears starting to lose their "top end"
Well at least I've got that off my chest
Some Advice please
1. Would I be correct with the following general suggested settings for a single guitar and vox?
-volume: guitar about half to two thirds of vox on what you hear (rather than the dials, sound pressure level I think its called) and vox at appropriate level for piece
-EQ on each channel tends to be set as follows LOW 0 to -3, MID 0 to +3 depending on clarity required, HI 0 to +3 depending on brightness required(the amp is a PEAVEY D8000 or it's pre-decessor so LO = 80Hz shelf, MID = 425 Hz peak, HI = 12kHz shelf according to what i could glean off the web?)
-the post channel EQ graphic equaliser: leave level except cut ranges where there is feedback, cut 80, level or boost 125 for body, cut 1kHz if annoying sound, boost relevant 4 to 8 kHz ranges for clarity, boost above 8kHz ranges where brightness required
I found myself at the desk and the above was more or less the setting I was using for the guy playing as well as for my set.
2. Seeing as this is not my system and there are other more "established" people assisting with the sound settings (as per my tiny rant) if you liked the people facilitating these evenings but don't want to be an idiot or embarrass yourself how would you go about trying to get a sound setting on the system that would allow everyone to hear clearly what was being played.
tiny Rant
I play occasionally at an open mic acoustic club near my place.
One of the reasons I do not always go to the weekly session is that I find the sound terrible -
Now I really do not claim to be anywhere near to expert in this area but for me
-volume balance between guitar and vox is not right with the volume on instrument too high and on vox too low
-EQ on each channel generally tends to be set as follows LOW +3, MID -3 to 4, HI +3 (the amp is a PEAVEY D8000 or it's pre-decessor so LO = 80Hz shelf, MID = 425 Hz peak, HI = 12kHz shelf according to what i could glean off the web?)
-the post channel EQ graphic equaliser with 10 slots is generally set to a shallow U shape, so again cutting the Mids and boosting the LO's and HI's
The overall effect is one of a very "boomy" sound where the vocals are not fully audible, even for chatter in between songs, and on top of that the instruments mostly drown out the vocals from a volume perspective.
It may be but I don't think that this is because of my older ears starting to lose their "top end"
Well at least I've got that off my chest
Some Advice please
1. Would I be correct with the following general suggested settings for a single guitar and vox?
-volume: guitar about half to two thirds of vox on what you hear (rather than the dials, sound pressure level I think its called) and vox at appropriate level for piece
-EQ on each channel tends to be set as follows LOW 0 to -3, MID 0 to +3 depending on clarity required, HI 0 to +3 depending on brightness required(the amp is a PEAVEY D8000 or it's pre-decessor so LO = 80Hz shelf, MID = 425 Hz peak, HI = 12kHz shelf according to what i could glean off the web?)
-the post channel EQ graphic equaliser: leave level except cut ranges where there is feedback, cut 80, level or boost 125 for body, cut 1kHz if annoying sound, boost relevant 4 to 8 kHz ranges for clarity, boost above 8kHz ranges where brightness required
I found myself at the desk and the above was more or less the setting I was using for the guy playing as well as for my set.
2. Seeing as this is not my system and there are other more "established" people assisting with the sound settings (as per my tiny rant) if you liked the people facilitating these evenings but don't want to be an idiot or embarrass yourself how would you go about trying to get a sound setting on the system that would allow everyone to hear clearly what was being played.