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Long time player of an SZ2020FMTKF Prestige.. I'm pretty stoked on eventually buckling and picking up one of these. Blown away by the build quality and finish. Considering changing the pickups to active because I'm used to the feel and clarity of the EMG85 I have always played in the SZ bridge.

The 2 together. 25.1" scale vs 28" scale

    I owned one of those baritones from 2004 until 2012. Very nice guitars.
    A nice addition to any electric guitar collection.

    I would not change those pickups. I found the stock pickups were awesome for a baritone...and also, how awesome is the Gibraltar bridge and string through mechanism? Very!
      Both guitars have that fantastic Gibraltar Custom bridge, just that the standard scale isn't string through. Really dig them!!

      Hmmmm, I'm going to give the pickups some more airtime. Seems there are some mixed opinions of those custom wound Super58's.

      Shibbibilybob wrote: I owned one of those baritones from 2004 until 2012. Very nice guitars.
      A nice addition to any electric guitar collection.

      I would not change those pickups. I found the stock pickups were awesome for a baritone...and also, how awesome is the Gibraltar bridge and string through mechanism? Very!
        Congrats! I've always liked those. But then, I'm a sucker for a decent through-neck. ?

        Also not wild about the pickups, but I'm more of a low-output passive pup kind of guy.
          I have been wanting a through neck forever!! That was more the call than the baritone thing.
          Needless to say the sustain feels really good, playing feels a lot more 'organic' for lack of a better word.
            Love the guitar man. That build in a Explorer shape would be sublime...
              My bud has a MMM1 and I'd love to have a baritone in my collection someday..........

              I have super 58's on my artist and love them..........if you do take them out, box them away somewhere and then sell them to me.

                Alan Ratcliffe wrote: Congrats! I've always liked those. But then, I'm a sucker for a decent through-neck. ?

                Also not wild about the pickups, but I'm more of a low-output passive pup kind of guy.
                Since when is 7.1(n) and 7.5(b) regarded as high output?

                  I think Mr Ratcliffe was referring to the proposed EMG 85s replacement ?
                    haha, I guess by todays overboard metal standards it's not :'(
                    But I know what Alan means. I'm leaning towards a lower gain pup for their better string definition I think.

                    I think my OP was a bit confusing. I'm not sure about putting 85's in there, just that those are what I'm used to in the SZ guitar.
                      I like singles in a bari, so any HB is overpowered. ?

                      Still, I would have pegged those a fair bit higher than 7.1K and 7.5. Then again, I suppose the extra string mass might make 'em sound louder...
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