I have been looking for 18watt.com resources. You'll see my comment on the wait for the section to be resumed.
I have managed to find a few things lying around. I am looking at Richie's improved tremolo. Don't know if you've seen that.
I am going to build 3 combos & electronics for 2 - one for me & one for a friend. I want to try some variations on cabs so there'll be one left over.
We all have different needs / preferences, but I think the 18w combo is very practical & you can still plug it into different cabs - you are just stuck with a default.
I am considering making one of the cabs a 2x10. It might be a nice comparison.
EZ has given me a few pointers & I am a VVR believer after hearing the one put in Singemonkey's 18w lite. I am still getting my head around VVR & tremolo channel. I think he's away at the moment
I am doing my research, so lets trade notes & resources. Right now, I'm better at cabs, so can advise you there if you need.
I found this link to a whole bunch of resources:
http://www.rh-tech.org/public/. There's an 18watt section there.
Also, I'd be interested in sharing shipping costs of parts. PM me if you want to discuss.
Waiting for your layouts, pics etc...