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Good day

I have been working on guitars for a few years, and have seen many many different kinds of bridges and trems etc.
This week a client brought me a guitar with a funny bridge system:

Can anyone tell me more about it and what the spring loaded bar in front of the bridge is for.
If this post is in the wrong thread, or if someone has already asked this question, please point me in the right direction.

    Fixed your pic, BTW

    It's a damper/mute that dampens all the strings. It's missing a strip of felt along the top of the horizontal bar. Basically it keeps the felt against the underside of the strings to dampen the sustain.

    Most people strip them off.

      Thank you very much for your quick reply, Alan.
      I will then put a new piece of felt on this one.

      Thanks for fixing the pic. What was wrong with it and how should I prevent it. This is my first posted pic.
        De nada.

        You had a bunch of [ img ] and [ url ] tags around the image. All you need is this:
        Simply paste the URL, select it, then hit the "Insert Image" button, which will surround it with the tags.
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