As per bottledtone's suggestion...
These are not for guitar... One day though. Still need to develop my taste in what I want before I build something. Perhaps a very crisp tone as is used on the 3rd track of the wall cd1, Happiest days of or lives. (I think that is the track...)
This is for my stereo setup.
a bit of background...
I started to listen music on my NAD T748, and was simply not happy. Music should Never be played on a movie amp. This made me decide to investigate building my own.
Purely for music. Criteria, It should play cd as well as turn table, and it should play it well.
This is what came out.
Power amp:
NAIM NAP 150 clone.
It is the Avondale upgrade, with some more modifications, and a few mods by myself as well.
Already built and planning the case layout... As you can see, it is a dual mono design for optimum channel separation.

After anodizing...

The Pre-Amp
I wanted a preamp with inputs for 1.) PC, 2.) Harmoni/Kardon cd player, 3.) turn table, and 4.) FM Tuner for Tuks FM
Gain is manually controlled for each input device so the headroom is right when the signal gets to the power amp.
Mounting boards to ground plate:

Getting ready for 1st test:

After about 2 years, and about R25K spent on project, this is the end result.

And then of course I had to share AC/DC - Highway to hell on Vinyl with my 4 year old.

The cases was not made by me. I had them CNC'ed by a friend in return for a favour. The favour, I had to build another NAIM Clone power amp for him. He is simply a wizzard when it comes to machining of solid aluminium.
It may not look like much, but every single component was hand selected for best sound. In some cases I bought like 100 transistors, then matched them by hand for best sound, when I only needed 2. (variance and all that crap)
The sound.... well to put it mildly, its bloody awesome!
I can put it on max volume, with cdp on pause, and not hear a sound.
Due to my modifications on the input of the power amp, the sound is punchy and VERY dynamic and fast.
The valve stage on the pre-amp gives it a warmth that only valves can give. Of course, I do not need to tell guitar players about the greatness of valves. It's always been around in guitar amps. I'ts only making it's way back to high end hifi amps now.
Not much... but it is mine
Here is mine:bottledtone wrote: How bout a DIY amp gallery. So we can see what guys have put together themselves.
It has probably been asked for, but would be cool to scan over peoples builds.
Can be inspiring for those wanting to venture.
DIY FX stompies too!?
These are not for guitar... One day though. Still need to develop my taste in what I want before I build something. Perhaps a very crisp tone as is used on the 3rd track of the wall cd1, Happiest days of or lives. (I think that is the track...)
This is for my stereo setup.
a bit of background...
I started to listen music on my NAD T748, and was simply not happy. Music should Never be played on a movie amp. This made me decide to investigate building my own.
Purely for music. Criteria, It should play cd as well as turn table, and it should play it well.
This is what came out.
Power amp:
NAIM NAP 150 clone.
It is the Avondale upgrade, with some more modifications, and a few mods by myself as well.
Already built and planning the case layout... As you can see, it is a dual mono design for optimum channel separation.

After anodizing...

The Pre-Amp
I wanted a preamp with inputs for 1.) PC, 2.) Harmoni/Kardon cd player, 3.) turn table, and 4.) FM Tuner for Tuks FM
Gain is manually controlled for each input device so the headroom is right when the signal gets to the power amp.
Mounting boards to ground plate:

Getting ready for 1st test:

After about 2 years, and about R25K spent on project, this is the end result.

And then of course I had to share AC/DC - Highway to hell on Vinyl with my 4 year old.

The cases was not made by me. I had them CNC'ed by a friend in return for a favour. The favour, I had to build another NAIM Clone power amp for him. He is simply a wizzard when it comes to machining of solid aluminium.
It may not look like much, but every single component was hand selected for best sound. In some cases I bought like 100 transistors, then matched them by hand for best sound, when I only needed 2. (variance and all that crap)
The sound.... well to put it mildly, its bloody awesome!
I can put it on max volume, with cdp on pause, and not hear a sound.
Due to my modifications on the input of the power amp, the sound is punchy and VERY dynamic and fast.
The valve stage on the pre-amp gives it a warmth that only valves can give. Of course, I do not need to tell guitar players about the greatness of valves. It's always been around in guitar amps. I'ts only making it's way back to high end hifi amps now.
Not much... but it is mine