Norman86 wrote:
Dude, where are the obligatory photos????
You'll be happy to know though, piano is a helluva lot easier to learn to play than guitar! ?
Hiya Norman86,
"Hey you there with the broken nose - play that piano!!" - "Who me? I don't have a broken nose!?" - Whack !!!!!!!--- -------plinkety plonk., plinkety plonk...
I love that corny old piano joke.
My new 2nd hand SD Cool Rail has arrived in Tete today so once I have got my grubby mitts on it and resuscitated my beloved Strat I will take a family portrait of the Old Timers and post it.
I'm glad that it's easier to learn the piano than the guitar because I've been trying this guitar thing for thirty years and I don't reckon I've got that much time at hand for the piano!
That old piano has introduced a brand new smell to my lounge - a good thing if you live in the ghetto in Tete! Sadly someone has removed the brass candlestick holders off of it - they would have come in handy with the obligatory Southern African power cuts.
Thanks for your interest and consideration!