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and the pictures don't work ☹
    Uploading to photobucket currently. Haven't had an issue linking to Facebook in the past.
      Danny B wrote: Pictures say it all.


      but still curious
        He told me its a Hello Kitty strat. ?
          Coming soon to a guitar forum near you...
            Tell us more about the dog? Year? Mods?
              Great looking tele Danny, congrats ?

              What bucker did you go with ?
                Dan that's awesome, gonna have to make a plan to come round for a first hand demonstration!
                  Congrats Danny, sweet lookin' fiddle, certainly looks like it was worth the wait. Now for some sound clips... ?
                    Oh my greatness! ? That is gorgeous!
                      Woweee! Very nice D
                        Thats a mighty fine looking axe there! Would love to hear it!

                        On a side note, did I spot an SWR acoustic amp sitting down in the corner there?

                          Wow! That sure worked out well. Absolutely gorgeous - I love the tuners, bridge and the woods. Congrats!