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Bookmarked! I'll check it out properly later. I know this guy - his site Guitarnuts has long been a staple for guys wanting wiring advice, etc.
    a month later
    That is one kickass list.

    This should shorten the number of queries we shoot you ?

    Thanks Alan !
      4 months later
      8 months later
      4 months later
      A fantastic list of links that I'm sure I'll come back to many times... but.... is there any electronics supplier in SA that stocks the kinds of stuff that guitar builders need... eg a 3-way toggle switch for selecting pickups? a log pot with push/pull switch, etc.? or do I have to get it shipped from the US?

        Brastep wrote: Hi
        A fantastic list of links that I'm sure I'll come back to many times... but.... is there any electronics supplier in SA that stocks the kinds of stuff that guitar builders need... eg a 3-way toggle switch for selecting pickups? a log pot with push/pull switch, etc.? or do I have to get it shipped from the US?
        Not an electronics store, no. I usually Import whatever I need, but Marshall Cape import the DiMarzo range which has most of what you'll ever need. Speak to Gareth.
          2 years later
          Danele wrote: Please consider adding this site to your list for body plans.
          OK. Done. Nice link. Thanked.
            a year later
            Hi Everyone,

            I'm new to this forum. This is the first time I have posted in here. I found this awesome list of resources on google. Thanks for making this, Alan. I just bookmarked about half of these sites. ? Here is a site that I don't see on here. It has articles about repairing and building guitars. A lot of great info.

              10 months later
              Hi Alan

              I found another body supplier for your moderation to add to the list. The pup & control routs etc are all customizable and have had a pleasant experience dealing with Mitch..

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