This one was a long time coming. So here is a update on my amplifier project.
It is now very close to completion, all I need is to install 3 resistors ?. Yea, I originally thought that I will have to wait for the valves, but no, 3 resistors >☹.
Anyway, apart from the resistors, all I have to do is to connect all the wires in the “spider web” to where they all need to go. I have designed the layout in such a way that if any maintenance needs to be done, then it is relatively easy to get to all the components and wires.
I want to go for a minimalistic look. That means that the front and back will have only enough markings on them to make sure that I do not forget what is what. But I need some assistance. I am looking for 2 pages, at most of decal paper. The type that you print on and the soak in water to get the decal onto the metal. I can buy it in packs of 50, but I do not think I will use more than one, two, in case I do something stupid :'(. Can anyone direct me to where I can order such a small amount?
The spiders web :roflmao:
The input section
The output section
My next update I will tell you if it works or if I had fireworks ?.